Core Bible Subjects

Life of Christ     ​​ 

This is the core of MBTC – the greatest life ever lived – the Life of Christ! When Dr Roy M Gray wrote this course to accompany the harmony of the Gospels about Jesus, he created a meditative question and suggested answer format to get you to think about each event and journey in the Life of Christ. After a while, you will begin to feel what it is like to walk and talk with Jesus and the disciples in the dusty streets of Judea!
Study the origin of the Gospels as we know it today.
Study the 4 Gospels together to get the full perspective of the Life of Christ.
Students will work through the Journeys of Christ, and discover life principles as they “follow in His footsteps…”
The Journeys are studied under the following headings:
The Scripture references with a suitable title to describe the contents.
The Starting Point and Destination of the JOURNEY.
The important facts of the narrative woven into one connected story.
The central message of this JOURNEY.
The personal lesson of this JOURNEY to the heart of the individual.
Use the suggested Questions and Answers to stimulate meditation:
Follow “Instructions for Study”
It is important to study with prayer.
Work through the Research Questions and Suggested Answers
Reading the questions and suggested answers together will develop the skills to effectively study the Bible accurately in future ministry. (Please note: the answers are only suggested answers.) 

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Experience the power of the Holy Spirit to transform you into a witness for Jesus like the early church! Work through the phases of growth of the church and accompany Apostle Paul on his missionary journeys. Realise that this is the key to unlock many of the Apostolic Epistles which were to make up the New Testament we have today. Other benefits of studying the book of Acts of the Apostles include: Read and study through the Book of Acts in the Bible. Gain perspective on the early Christian church activities and doctrine. Name chapters and paragraph divisions for personal study and growth. Study the suggested questions and answers as a source for future discussion of the fundamental themes of the Early Church, namely: Prayer The Holy Spirit Perspective on suffering and persecutions for Christ's sake. Understand and explore healings and miracles. See the fulfilment of Old Testament prophesies in New Testament times. Geographical and Historical Context  

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Ecclesiastes     ​​ 

Learning from the wisdom of King Solomon is a process of unfolding understanding. Trying to unlock the truths contained in the book of Ecclesiastes is puzzling without the proper perspective.
By enrolling in this course you can:

Use the key of the overall picture of the Book to unlock the author’s intention.
Identify steps of backsliding in the author and then in yourself.
Capture the author’s view of life.
Examine the New Testament application of the subject using the scripture references supplied in the Subject Manual.
Discover the vanity of the world.
Consider the time for everything.
Identify your God given task.
Draw principles from the practical counsel supplied in matters regarding: oppression; worship; covetousness; ambition; death; wisdom versus folly; sowing and reaping; seeking God; the duty of man.
Also have a look at “Psalms” that cover the concepts of Hebrew Poetry and work through “Proverbs” to see the wisdom of King Solomon in another context. You may also wish to reflect on the Kings and Chronicles covered in “historical Books 1 & 2” to gain more insight into the life and background of the author of Ecclesiastes. 

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1 and 2 Peter

First Peter is an apostolic epistle for the downhearted that will sustain and encourage the student in times of trial and disappointment and is studied with this in mind. Peter will help students to anchor their Christian’s hope not on logic or persuasion, but on the matchless sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who suffered for us, thereby leaving us an example to follow. During the study term for 1 Peter, students will realise the value of their salvation, and the important roles that submission and suffering play when portraying Jesus to the world.

2 Peter offers the student pathways for cultivating Christian character through accurate apostolic doctrine. It also offers students a master class in first identifying false teachers, and overcoming the heresies that they spread by using apostolic doctrine.
The Life of Christ and Book of Acts will complement this subject with contextual reference to the revelations that Apostle Peter shares in the study of this Epistle. 

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James and Jude       ​​ 

These two books challenge and upgrade the personal values of the student by using the sound doctrine contained in both. During the study term, students are confronted with issues such as the authenticity of Scripture, as well as the purpose and effect of trials and temptations that give students substance to endure hardship. The student receives guidance on societal issues, such as engaging the rich and the poor, as well as warnings against partiality and favouritism. Emphasis is placed on the principle that “Faith without works is dead.” So, students will endeavour to do what they believe with the understanding that they are in a constant fight of faith – a battle to continually believe in things unseen. Paradigms concerning ministry will be placed alongside sound doctrine based on Scripture. Students will understand the need to teach accurately and to tame the tongue.
Other subjects one could study to complement James and Jude include: “Faith Series” and “The Life of Christ” as well as “Fruit of the Spirit.” 

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Romans is an important section of Christian doctrine regarding personal faith and equips the reader to live out the life of a son of God – he who is led by the Spirit is a son of God. The fundamental Christian doctrines herein contained are made simple through a thorough analysis of scripture utilizing Questions and Suggested answers.
Students are encouraged to formulate their own answers to difficult questions using accurate scripture quotation from the Old and New Testament.

Students are encouraged to decide on their own chapter and paragraph headings for the Book, based on their study of the Subject.
Gain a understanding of apostle Paul’s gospel and his ministry
Expose the sin of man, and deal with sin in your life.
Warn of Judgement of God
Christians believe that the true spiritual ‘Jew’ is one 'inwardly' not 'outwardly'
Research Old Testament quotations that the author uses confirm his teaching
Abraham, an illustration of justification by faith: read the account in Genesis and glean principles of faith that one can apply today.
Face the practical aspect of tribulation - implement the love of God in every situation.
Compare death to sinful nature with Baptism which is union with Christ.
Being under grace means we have changed masters – explain how it is better to serve God than Sin and Satan.
Another illustration: marriage is a union, discover how the church is united with Christ.
Acknowledge the struggle against "sin that dwells within me"
Apply the secret of victory – your life in Christ
Utilize the Spirit within us. The Spirit of God is the very life of Christ. Put to death the deeds of the body by the Spirit
Why did Israel fail? Refused the way of faith through Christ
Describe the plan of God as a matter of righteousness
Romans depicts God as choosing a remnant, not casting away His people.
Exhortation towards Christian values namely: consecration; duties towards civil rulers; love towards your neighbour; holy living; not to be self-pleasers but to be like-minded.

This is a good Core Bible subject to accompany practical ministry subjects like: “Gifts and Functions”; “Teaching and Preaching” and “Church Management.”  

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Major Prophets 1       ​​ 

This subject explores the implementation of prophetic utterances as principles in society.
Discover the Historical context of prophets of the Old Testament.
The content of the Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel from the Bible is studied in order to ascertain the influence of prophetic utterances on a nation.

Major Prophets I, Isaiah and Jeremiah:
1. Define the office a prophet.
2. Discuss Fulfilment of prophecies historically and encourage fulfilment of dreams in general.
3. Outline of the Books to be investigated.
4. Get to know the prophets themselves: “Sketch of a prophet”
5. Acting Prophecy – act out one of the prophecies from this section. Jeremiah was known as the “Weeping prophet” and Isaiah is known as the “Shakespeare of the Prophets”.
6. Investigate prophecy and its fulfilment concerning Babylon, and Assyria.
7. Prophecies concerning Christ: highlighted and linked with New Testament quotations.
Portraits of Christ the Messiah from prophecies.

Students are equipped with Biblical principles to avoid corruption in their lives.

Hope for a nation in decline is emphasized in Jeremiah especially, when he buys land and invests in his nation’s future.
Clarity of thought regarding the origin of prophecy and loyalty towards God.
Warning against rebellion and idolatry is clearly stated and equips students with necessary tools to deal the aforementioned in their own lives.
This subject is to be studied alongside the “Historical Books” to gain contextual insight into the words of prophecies from various ages. “Apostolic Perspective” will also help reveal New Covenant realities in the seemingly negative judgments pronounced. 

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Major Prophets 2

Major Prophets II, Ezekiel and Daniel:
1. Work through the outline of the prophecy.
2. Discuss historical context of prophecy made in exile.
3. Investigate the chronology of dates mentioned in Ezekiel’s prophecies.
4. Ezekiel should be studied as “Ezekiel” the man in order for students to identify with the burden of a prophet.
5. Activation of prophetic vision based on the subject material.
6. Participation in prophetic vision.
7. Correlation of Ezekiel’s prophecies with the Book of Revelation.
8. Daniel’s name versus his Babylonian Name.
9. Daniel and his friends avoided defilement in their time, discuss how people can avoid defilement today.
10. Daniel’s prayers for the fulfilment of God’s promise as prophesied by Jeremiah.
11. Eschatology is placed in the perspective of Daniel’s prophecies.

Students are equipped with Biblical principles to avoid corruption in their lives.

Hope for a nation in decline is emphasized in Jeremiah especially, when he buys land and invests in his nation’s future.
Clarity of thought regarding the origin of prophecy and loyalty towards God.
Warning against rebellion and idolatry is clearly stated and equips students with necessary tools to deal the aforementioned in their own lives.
This subject is to be studied alongside the “Historical Books” to gain contextual insight into the words of prophecies from various ages. “Apostolic Perspective” will also help reveal New Covenant realities in the seemingly negative judgments pronounced. 

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Pentateuch 1,2,3,4      ​​ 

The study of the first 5 books of the Bible supplies the student with a broad overview of the origins of Faith, and links with the Life of Christ as the Alpha and Omega of God’s plan with man.
This subject provides clarity of thought regarding the origin of man and faith towards God.
Build a reliable reference to God’s dealings with man result in a modern application of Christian faith.
There is a warning against rebellion and idolatry.
Historically, the Pentateuch gives a chronological history of the birth of the nation of Israel to their entrance into Canaan.
The content of the Pentateuch or first five Books of the Bible is studied under the following headings:
1. Historical – God’s dealings with the nation of Israel in chronological sequence
2. Doctrinal – Teachings of the Pentateuch and their relevance to Christianity
3. Christological – Shadows and patterns of Christ revealed to the Patriarchs and fathers of faith.
4. In addition students benefit from the “Question and Answers” concerning Genesis and Exodus, which form a bases of all Christian Doctrine.
5. In order to apply the vast content of this study, students are given the following application of the Pentateuch for future reference in life:
a. Genesis speaks of beginnings – Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith.
b. Exodus speaks of deliverance - The act of salvation
c. Leviticus speaks of the process of sanctification.
d. Numbers speaks of direction of God in one’s life.
e. Deuteronomy speaks of preparation to enter God’s promises.

6. “Pentateuch” links the Old Testament with the New Testament and bridges doctrinal divides between Old and New Covenant in the mind of the student.
This subject requires time for reading and takes four terms to complete. It can be studied in connection with “The Life of Christ” as well as other New Testament subjects like “Galatians” where perspective is given concerning specific historic incidents documented in Genesis, for example: the concept of the son of Promise versus the son of the bondwoman. 

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Minor Prophets 1 & 2

There are 12 books of prophecies being studied under this title and it should take two terms for a student to work through the entire collection.
The quality of the prophecies far outshines the quantity of words and bear relevance in today’s society more than ever.
There are many examples of nation building through speaking inspired utterances (prophecies) according to the Book of Ezra:
“So the elders of the Jews built, and they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. And they built and finished it, according to the commandment of the God of Israel, and according to the command of Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes king of Persia.”
Ezra 6:14 (NKJV)
Understanding of judgement of evil.
Promise and Implementation of restoration of society through God’s Word.
Each Minor Prophet name exhibits a characteristic of God’s nature – each student should access those characteristics through the study of this subject.
The content of the Minor Prophets: Hosea; Joel; Amos; Obadiah; Jonah; Micah; Nahum; Habakkuk; Zephaniah; Haggai; Zechariah; Malachi – prophetic Books from the Bible, are studied in order to ascertain the influence of prophetic utterances on a nation.

All the books of Minor Prophets are studied under the following headings
1. Time and Context
2. Family and Person (Of the prophet discussed.)
3. Purpose of the prophecy
4. Theme
5. Spiritual Message applicable today
6. Summary of content 

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Historical Books 1         ​​ 

Historical Books I
Investigates the book of Joshua and Judges. In Joshua you see that victory comes through faith in God and obedience to His Word. In the book of Judges the account shows God’s righteousness. He cannot condone sin, but offers forgiveness and restoration to those who repent.

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Historical Books 2

Historical Books II gives the heart-warming account of Ruth It is a story of redemption with Boaz, the kinsman redeemer as a type of Christ.

The book of 1st I Samuel shows how God rejects the proud but chooses a humble shepherd boy to be king. In the 2nd book of Samuel the prophet, God gives grace and authority to the humble and shifts kingdoms according to His purpose.

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Historical Books 3         ​​ 

Historical Books III covers the Kings and Chronicles of the Bible.
I & II Kings
God is faithful to those who diligently seek Him, but those who reject God will be rejected.
I Chronicles reveals the lifestyle of a worshipper.
II Chronicles we see how God exposes sin and blesses the righteous kings who follow in the footsteps of their father David. 

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Historical Books 4

Historical Books IV covers Ezra and Nehemiah.
In Ezra you see the process of restoration, not only of the place of worship the temple, but also the reformation of a nation to serve God again.
In Nehemiah you see how a cupbearer can influence a king to help rebuild the ruins of a city and bring about a revival in his nation.

The book of Esther shows how God is faithful to deliver His people, and that He places His people strategically to influence the course of history.

Studied alongside the book “God’s Genius” this subject will become even more relevant to current reforms in the Church and society in these last days as we prepare for Christ’s return for His Bride the Church. 

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Psalms        ​​ 

The Book of Psalms sets the stage for Prophetic Praise and Worship of modern Christianity.
In order to understand the “Tabernacle of David” mentioned in the New Testament, the student needs to have a thorough grasp of the kind of relationship the Psalmist possess with their God.
The reality of life is hard to face; Psalms help students to work through their fears and walk through the Valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil, for God is with them.
This subject works well with “Worship” as well as the book of “Proverbs.”
The inner workings of Hebrew Poetry are also explored as an additional bonus to the rich verse that has been preserved for millennia for our benefit and for a deeper relationship with God. 

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Become grounded in the Words of wisdom, affecting every facet of life.
Students develop a reverent fear of the Lord and discover that this is the beginning of wisdom.
Warnings from Proverbs configure students for success in life: “A wise man will hear and increase learning…” but “A fool despises wisdom and instruction.”
Itemize the words of wisdom and instruction from Proverbs.
Receive instruction for issues of life; in justice, judgement and equity.
To give subtlety to the simple.
Students will receive knowledge and discretion regarding decision making.
Discover the link between the fear of the Lord and wisdom.

To be studied with “Ecclesiastes” as well as Historical Books 3 to provide context for the words of wisdom in the lives of the kings that wrote them. 

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Song of Solomon           ​​ 

Discover the inward journey of the believer, making Christ his focal point. Experience the glories and the difficulties of life through the allegory of a love song - a dialogue between the bridegroom and the bride – symbolic of the church and Christ.
It is a historical and biblical proof of God’s character and ways of operation that has not changed since the birth of the New Church in the book of Acts. The student is equipped to deal with life’s low points and difficulties, by keeping perspective through God’s eyes and dealing with tough situations, coming out stronger and wiser on the other side.
Study this subject alongside “Psalms”; “Ecclesiastes” and “Proverbs” as well as “Historical Books 3.” It will also enhance your study of “Worship” from a Biblical standpoint. 

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Job instructs the reader to persevere through suffering, for the Lord made him prosperous again, and gave him twice as much as he had before. LESSONS TO BE LEARNT

Define truth
Discuss how suffering can bring a dynamic quality to life.
Find out how you can make God your only source.
Explain how the Old Testament conceals God's purpose - just like Job's three friends. Only the New Testament after the resurrection of Christ reveals God's true purpose.
Contrast a Job’s life with that of his friends and comment on his “born again” experience.

Students will be able to explain perseverance through suffering.
The rewards for suffering will be emphasized creating strong moral foundation.
Self-righteousness will be dealt with during lectures; opportunities for confession and repentance will be granted. This subject is wonderful opportunity to reflect on doctrine and its impact on a person’s life. Character is tested and “Character of God’s Workman” will enhance the New Testament principles discussed in Job.  

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1 Corinthians         ​​ 

The purpose of 1st Corinthians is to identify and deal with problems arising in the Christian faith; globally, locally, and individually, using the historical church of Corinth as a case study.
Further application of the principles herein contained after MBTC training, will help students to combat moral decay in any environment.
Personal values are challenged or upgraded.
To be studied in conjunction with “Church Management” and “Household Leaders Training.” 

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The Book of Galatians teaches us how to walk in the freedom of being led by the Spirit.
It informs us of our liberty from the Jewish laws.
Gal 4:24-26:
"...For these are the two covenants: the one from Mount Sinai which gives birth to bondage, which is Hagar - for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children - but the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all."
Further application of the principles herein contained after MBTC training, will help students to combat racial inequality in any environment.
Personal values are challenged or upgraded.
Quote from MBTC Subject Manual “Galatians.”:
‘In the final analysis it doesn't matter anymore whether you are a Jew or a Greek - all that matters is that you believe in Him and have His love abiding in you - what liberty!
Gal 5:6:
"For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love."’
IT would be beneficial for students to study “Hebrews” and “romans” along with “Dogma” to get a good overview of the topics covered in this subject. 

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Ephesians          ​​ 

The essence of the book of Ephesians is to reveal the believer’s position in Christ and how to live from that position. Further application of the principles herein contained after MBTC training, will help students to walk worthy of their calling in life.

Personal values are challenged or upgraded.
Confidence in their position in Christ will prevent insecurity and deception. After studying the Fundamental subjects, students should also refer to “New Creation Realities” and “Renewal of the Mind” to complement the study of Ephesians.  

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One purpose of this subject is to reveal the inner configuration of apostolic ministry and support for such pioneer work using the church and circumstances of Apostle Paul and the church in Philippi. Further revelations of Christ that Apostle Paul reveals makes this a special letter to study.
Combine the study of Philippians with a thorough study of Apostle Paul’s missionary journeys in the book of Acts.
Further application of the principles herein contained after MBTC training, will help students to have the mind of Christ, humbling themselves becoming a servant, and becoming obedient even to the point of death.
Personal values are challenged or upgraded.
Paradigms concerning ministry will shift towards Christ-centred ministry. 

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Colossians         ​​ 

The subject reveals that in this Christ centred book of the New Testament, Paul stresses the pre-eminence of the person of Christ and the completeness of the salvation He provides. The heresy that is threatening the church at Colossae seeks to devaluate Christ by elevating speculation, ritualism, mysticism and asceticism. But Christ is completely sufficient for every spiritual and practical need of the believer.

Through understanding the Position of Christ, student obtain a better working definition of their position as believers.
A clear understanding of the historical context of this Epistle is given in the subject manual; the major issues threatening the historical church are discussed with present revealed truth during lectures.
Christ-like virtues such as love should be prevalent in the student’s actions.
Freedom as a believer is stressed; tools are provided for students to remain free from unscriptural doctrines
Further application of the principles herein contained after MBTC training, will help students to combat heresies and false doctrines.
Personal values are challenged or upgraded.

Paradigms concerning ministry will be placed alongside sound doctrine based in Scripture.
Study Colossians with “The Book of Acts” along with Apostolic Epistles for a fuller picture of Paul’s way of dealing with heresies in the church and promoting truth about Jesus Christ. 

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1,2 Thessalonians

This subject is a call for believers to conduct themselves properly towards each other and towards unbelievers. There some valuable injunctions for raising the standard of one’s personal life.
As students study the ministry of Paul among the Thessalonians; they discover the authentic passion of the apostle towards the new converts – something that should be engrafted in ministers of the Gospel.

“The Gospel Practised” is one of the essential desired outcomes.

The Second coming of Christ is discussed; students need clarity of thought regarding this quintessential Christian belief.

Students will understand the dangers of falling away from Biblical Doctrine and will learn to stand during spiritual apostasy.
Students are challenged on the following topics:
Faith is not an inactive force - it works
Love toils, shuns no sacrifice to minister to others
This Christian hope is not a passive thing, but overcomes obstacles and opposition
Apostasy is explained in the context of a local church.
Thessalonians will be studied along with practical subjects like “Church Management” as well as “Apostolic Perspective.” 

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Apostolic Epistles 1 & 2           ​​ 

This subject provides valuable advice to young ministers of the Gospel that sets the standard for apostolic mentoring.
Students receive the apostolic admonition not to stray from sound doctrine.
Prayer tips for students
Qualification for spiritual office in churches is clearly defined and placed in a modern context through class discussions.
Apostasy is a reality and students are taught by experience ministers who explain how to deal with “falling away” from pure doctrine contained in Scripture.
The treatment of church members is highlighted for future reference.
The Word of God is studied and implemented in Church Leadership as a tool for God’s glory.
This subject also provides a template for mentoring processes in the church and will be a valuable companion to subjects like “Church Management” and “Household Leaders Training.” 

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This subject exhibits Christ as the Supreme High Priest and Mediator of a better covenant than that of the Old Testament.
Students discover the origin of God’s supreme revelation
The understanding that Christ is superior to angels, is vital to the believer’s ability to believe in the divine nature of Christ Jesus.
The rest of God is entered through various practical entry points during lectures.
In order to appreciate the superior priesthood of Christ, students first work through the traditional duties of the Aaronic priesthood
Conclusion is clear. (Heb 8:1 5)
Similarly, by contrasting the Old and New covenants, the revealed superiority of Christ’s covenant is gives students access to the New covenant blessings.
A comparison of Service in the heavenly sanctuary and Service in the earthly tabernacle underlines Christ’s fulfilment of priestly service for us.
Students gain a working understanding of the effects of the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, through hands on experience during lectures.
Students are challenged on the following areas:
A call to full assurance of faith
A call to persevere.
Endurance of faith
A call to love
Students are introduced to a reference system: Reference system
A coding system is included in the text that links important words to a Vines or Strong's dictionary included at the end of the manual. A {word} in italics surrounded by brackets occurs in the Vines. A word (125) with a Strong’s number following refers to the Strong’s explanation. The objective is to broaden the student’s field of study, and to give him a greater understanding in the meaning of the specific words. It is strongly suggested that students doing this course should make use of a Strong and Vine’s concordance for further self-study.
Students will understand importance of the finished work of Christ.

Further application of the principles herein contained after MBTC training, will assist students in doctrinal debates regarding Old Testament law.

Personal values are challenged or upgraded.

Paradigms concerning ministry will be placed alongside sound doctrine based in Scripture.

Hebrews suggests a resolution to much debate about Judaism versus Christianity.
To be studied with books like “God’s Genius” and “Dogma” as well as “The Book of Acts” and “Revelation.” 

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Revelation         ​​ 

“Revelation” seeks to provide a balanced view point of Eschatology or end time teaching. Care has been taken not to take scriptures and prophecies out of context of the Scriptures as a whole, thus avoiding extremist teaching.
Students are influenced to look at the subject through the focal point of Christ: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave Him to show His servants – things which must shortly take place.
Tools for understanding this complex book of symbolism are supplied through lectures and discussion groups; for instance – make use of the Book of Ezekiel to interpret complex prophecies.
The messages to the seven churches are made relevant to churches today.
Self-evaluation is encouraged; students have regular opportunities to respond and receive prayer and support regarding issues I their lives.
Church leaders are encouraged to use balanced views on Revelation in future ministerial work.
Further valuable understanding regarding end times lay a solid foundation for sound Christian Doctrine.
This subject works well when studied alongside “The Life of Christ” and the prophetic visions can be interpreted using the revelations and visions of Ezekiel studied in “Major Prophets 2.” 

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